For its very first collaboration, Amambaih partners with renowned French fashion house Chloé to introduce an exclusive collection that embodies both brands’ unique aesthetic and liberated spirit. A creative partnership between Chloé’s creative director Gabriela Hearst and Amambaih’s Mariela Schwarz Montiel, this beautiful initiative is driven by a shared purpose to build a more sustainable future.
Inspired by our sun, the “fuego” color palette that imbues our collection embodies the flame of this beautful culture that we aim to keep alive.
The colors of the south American sunset.
Colors emanating passion and warmth
When craftmanship and the magic of handmade objects align
Crafted using a graphic, two-toned cotton, the Meril flat sandal with its delicate curves and solid structure epitomizes the spirit of summer.
With its enveloping hold and exquisite shades, Amparo provides comfort and reassurance through any journey.
With its warm, multicolored cotton reminiscent of the earth and thick, platform heel with flowing lines, the Meril high-heeled sandal exudes feminity, strength and grace.
We are honored to collaborate with Chloé to introduce Amambaih to the world.